Aubrey Angelozzi (Hodapp)

Artist Statement

  As a painter, crafter, and herbalist, my art is heavily influenced by my relationship with the natural world, ancient myths, folklore, and spiritual ecology. Through my own imaginative visions, I create pathways to the healing energies of plants and their magical properties. In an industrialized world where we often take nature for granted, I believe that reconnecting to Earth is deeply needed. My intention is to provide a window to an enchanted realm that has long been forgotten: the realm of sacred Earth consciousness. 

   My process involves the study of nature and its transformative cycles, such as the turning of each season. Growth and decay is especially intriguing to me because I feel that this is often a reflection of my internal environment. My inner world often feels in sync with the ever changing cycles of Earth and this manifests in my art through visions of color and form. I often feel compelled to paint leaves, tree branches, vine tendrils, root systems, floral motifs, and moon phases. As an artist, the moon is symbolic for celestial cycles and relates to the growth of plants as the moon waxes and wanes. There is also a feminine archetype that I personally relate to with the moon cycle that represents stages of life: "maiden, mother, and crone". The moon also has a historical association with witches gathering herbs that I find to be relatable in my own practice of herbalism. 

   Creating oil paintings gives me the ability to blend textures and colors that feel resonant with the imaginary worlds I create. The consistency of natural oils in the paint lends itself well to my philosophy of embracing union with nature. When I’m painting, I often have a vision of what I want to create and then intuitively choose colors that feel resonate to that imagery. This is where the magic begins to form as I continue to make intuitive decisions once I have an idea for a piece. 

   My most recent series of oil paintings, “Botanical Magick”, was influenced by my deep appreciation for the historical and cultural uses of plants. Specifically, I wanted to honor the energetic properties of black cohosh, vervain, blue lotus, mandrake, and poisonous botanicals associated with witchcraft. “Witches’ Garden” is a landscape which depicts foxglove, datura, belladonna, henbane, wolfsbane, and hellebore. All of these baneful and hallucinogenic plants were historically used as ingredients in witches’‘flying ointment’.

   Connecting to the earth is deeply influential for my art practice because it has shown me how to truly listen to nature. Observation and stillness allows me to pay closer attention to details that I otherwise may not notice, taking care to admire all aspects of life. Growing my own garden of herbs is one way that I connect to the earth and find inspiration from the botanical world. Cultivating a relationship with the land in this way, has shown me the importance of reciprocity and balance.


Aubrey Hodapp is an artist who grew up in Dayton, Ohio. She earned her BFA in Art Practice from Portland State University in 2021. Formerly, she studied Visual Arts at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. During her time at Antioch, she worked on an organic farm, which provided her the experience of connecting more deeply with the earth. 

While working on the farm, Aubrey’s personal philosophy around spiritual ecology grew. She became more aware of the interwoven nature of reality and the need for reciprocity when taking from the earth. This deeper understanding of the natural world and its innate aliveness is one of the main influences in her art practice today.

She currently lives in West Linn, Oregon where she runs her own herbal arts and crafts business, Waning Moon Apothecary, on Etsy. (

Inspired by a Witch’s Garden…

“Witches Garden” Oil on Canvas, 2022

“Faerie of Growth” by Brian Froud

Herbal Arts & Crafts Apothecary

Handcrafted “Witch Salve” by Waning Moon Apothecary, using homegrown herbs including mugwort, motherwort, vervain, yarrow and calendula.

The herbs are slow infused in olive oil then combined with beeswax to create this magical healing salve.